We are so happy to announce that Eric Olsgaard has joined the Scampers team as of October 1st.
Stina has known Eric for some years, and Linda has gotten to know him since moving to Redmond in July. Eric’s an enormous help with an enormous heart and and an enormous work ethic that the Scampers co-founders promise will never go unappreciated or unrecognized.
Eric comes to Scampers with a ton of experience in everything from logistics to construction to interior decor – and, no, he was not the decorator! He’s the dude who installed, with Gregg’s help, all that rolled rubber flooring. He’s the dude who is this very moment installing the shelf that our music box (boom box!) will sit on – see his pic below. (BTW: Moments later he fixed the latch on our entry gate!) He’s the dude who will touch up the “holidays” in our epoxy paint job, and the dude who will coordinate the various contractors who are about to descend on Scampers to finish the job. He’s The Dude, a perfect complement to the team of The Redhead and The Brunette.

Eric is a super dog-friendly guy, and all the dogs know it. Maybe they can somehow tell that he sports a tat of “Big Dog”. Maybe they’ve noticed he is almost always wearing dog motif-ed shirts. Or maybe he’s sporting some special scent – courtesy of Mojo and Buddy. Mojo and Buddy are Eric’s pooches, a couple of little white moppish things that clearly have a solid hold on his heart… well, except for the great big part of his heart that is devoted to his wife, Lisa, the goddess of haircutting and color. We’re so grateful to Lisa that she’s willing to share him with us.