Scampers Breaks Ground with Ground Breaking Technology

After months of preparation and discussion and design and design revision not to mention application and approval, today we broke ground on our exterior work, with installation of our rain garden.

InHarmony's Bryan LaComa looks on as the digging begins.

No, this is not where the dogs will be playing. This is where the water that runs off their play places will be filtered into the ground after being scientifically but naturally processed through the correct strata of the correct soils and sands and indigenous plants’ roots, which renders this run-off clean.

Our rain garden designer and contractor is InHarmony sustainable gardens. Visit their website for more information on this wonderful technology, so perfect for the Pacific Northwest.

Their work will finish in about a week, and then our fencing will be installed, and once that’s been completed and all our work has been inspected and approved, we’ll be …. TA DAHHHH welcoming our first customers. We’ll keep you posted.

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