What a fun week we’ve had – lots and lots of pooches – so many that we’ve been filling up almost daily. (BTW: If you’re an infrequent visitor or if you haven’t set up your weekly reservation pattern yet, please don’t forget to get your reservations in or call us when you’d like to bring your fuzzy beloveds in for some fun and frolic with friends.)
Scampers will be closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday – except to Boarders
We are so excited about the renovations we have planned for the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday.
Black Friday will be devoted to replacing and rearranging all our fencing, and so the daycare areas will be closed, although we will be hosting a houseful of boarding dogs.
We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, and the best of Shopper’s Luck on Friday, and we look forward to showing off our new and improved premises the Monday following.
Accidents Happen
Chris Sugarbaker, Cut-N-Run’s groomer-in-chief, advises that his studio-van has sustained significant damage in a car accident, although he tells us that other than some nasty bruises, he’s alright. As a result of the damage to the van, though, he will be unable to visit Scampers until he has been able to repair it or set up a new van. We’re wishing him the best of luck and speedy healing, and look forward to seeing his smiling face again soon.
Scampers Boarding
Our boarding services are proving to be very popular, and we’ve been taking bookings for the upcoming holiday seasons. If you foresee needing space for your pooch at Scampers, please get your reservations placed early.
Note that there is a premium charge for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Note regarding Thanksgiving – we’re booked solid – there’s no more room at the Inn. We’re getting close to full for Christmas too.
Pawlogic News
Cathy Madson of Pawlogic Dog Training holds group classes at Scampers location.
Cathy offers classes including Basic Obedience, Continuing Obedience and Real Life Training, and Introduction to Obedience for Puppies. For more information or to register your dog in any of the classes, call Cathy at 425 443 5280, or … Visit the Pawlogic website to book classes for your pooch with Cathy.
Watch for more exciting information on new classes in our upcoming newsletters.
Heard ‘Round the Water Bowl
We’re excited to be adding new personalities each week. Our frequent campers are doing their best to make them feel welcome. Here’s some of the gossip heard ’round the water bowl:
“We had such a good time welcoming lab puppy Kiki to the crew – she’s having so much friend with fellow lab puppy Bella, and she keeps losing her puppy teeth!”
“Baxter was so surprised to meet such a lovely blonde version of himself – Charlotte is a mite smaller, a mite blonder, and a lot prettier!”
“I love being a part of the Welcome Waggin, but maybe we should invite some of the other campers to help us with this task. With so many pooches, we really could use some help with that, and we ought to share in the fun!”
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Very best regards,
Linda Olsen and Stina Hughes
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs