Dear Scampers People –
February has brought continued growth to Scampers population of campers, and our daily attendance of dogs reaches new heights each week. We’re always tickled pink to introduce new members to our pack – so many dogs, so many personalities!
Valentine’s Day is Coming Monday, February 14 ♥
The Scampers Team wishes to take this opportunity, as this is the traditional time for heartfelt expression, to thank you all for entrusting your beloved pooches to our care. We also take this opportunity to express to you that we love each and every one of your pooches, and we are grateful to you for sharing them with us. We promise to do our best to share some of their most entertaining moments with you via our various media, from Flickr to Facebook.
p.s. Timely little hint: Remember to bring something wonderful to your special someone ♥ on Monday!
BTW: Did you know that some of your dogs have formed very important friendships at Scampers. Two such pairs are Apu and Abby, and Chester and Rosie (but when Chester’s not around, Jax loves to snuggle with Rosie!) ♥
Chris Sugarbaker of Cut ’N Run visits Tuesday, February 15
We already have a good number of bookings, but there is room in the day for more. If you’d like your pooch to have some grooming time with Chris, please let us know by Monday evening.
Linda Olsen, and
Stina Hughes, Partners