Dear Scampers People –
We are so excited about the way this week has shaped up at Scampers. We have met and hosted so many wonderful dogs and watched as they have formed friendships with each other. We’ve also met a lot of new people who have heard about us or seen us and have dropped in to check out the action.
We are posting photos and videos of your pooches as they join the Scampers roster, and as often as we can catch all the great photo ops that present themselves. Highlights this week include the Dance of Mojo and Sasha, petite Penny doing her best to pick up a toy twice her weight, Kodi getting a back rub that helped his molting along by at least a full day, Whiskey modeling her Halloween costume for Eric, Jax washing Stina’s face, Gloria and Shuster and Rosie nose to nose to nose, and Sasha greeting Chris Sugarbaker who joins the Scampers team once a week as a mobile groomer. Have a look at our Gallery page, and you’ll see the kind of week it was.
We’re looking forward to seeing you and your pooches again next week as Kodi, Kai and Alice join the pooch community. We still have lots of room, though, so if you know people who need a place like Scampers for their pooches, by all means, forward this message along to them.
Thank you very much for sharing your pooches with us. We love them too!
p.s. Pick up a copy of today’s Redmond Reporter to read an article submitted by Stina.