After a week’s absence, our December Pooch of the Month, Jax, returned to Scampers to find his position of Pooch of the Month unchallenged.

He was excited to see we’d arranged for a playmate of his approximate size to entertain him for a while as well.

Little Luis, a spunky Chihuahua, was a perfect match for Jax, as he too has a vertical leap of 6 times his own height. The two played pogo dog for a short while, but as Jax is nursing a sore foot, we had to limit that kind of fun for him.

Luis was equally happy to see a dog of his own size to play with, as his morning had been spent with significantly larger dogs – one especially so…

Today, it turned out we were entertaining a generally small-dog group, with Kodi as our token big beast. He enjoys spending his time with them though. He spends much of his Scampers day comfortably settled in the middle of the floor, acting like an island for the two corgi pups, Gloria and Schuster, to run around, with Kai, Apu and Ruby in tow.
Whiskey arrived just in time to take over as entertainment for Jax when Luis’ human arrived to whisk him away.

And just as the littlest of the little dogs left, Kodi also had to leave to begin his holiday travels, and so today’s Scampers crowd became a more homogeously sized collection of smallish dogs, and Jax.