Scampers Weekly Recap - December 9, 2016
Dear --Valued Customer--
It's been a deep freeze of a week. Snowy, cold, wintery weather will likely be dogging us this year, according to all the forecasters.
We'll be doing our best to keep your pooches warm and comfy while they're with us. You may notice pups in sweaters in some of the pictures - we have a pretty good selection of loaner sweaters if we see anyone looking particularly chilled.
If your dogs come their own extra-wear which may have to come off when we're indoors, it's a good idea to put their name on a tag or on the inside. We'll do our very best to ensure it's handed back to you along with your pooch at day's end. Be sure to ask if we forget.
We still have a lot of work to do, and the last few necessary permits seem to be slow in coming, but our steadfast contractor is moving along with everything that can be moved along with.
Last week we jumped in and did some of the work we're able to do. Next week, we hope to surge forward again, but for this week, work has been held up a lot.
As you can see, Jake's an old hand with the paint sprayer, a good thing when there's so much wall! He'll be wielding the electric caulking gun to seal up the flooring as it goes down. The last big project will be installing and caulking the fencing.
It won't be long before trucks are bringing fridges, dishwashers, sinks, disposals, and furniture, ready for installation as the contractors finish off work in our kitchens, laundry and bathrooms. The drivers will be wearing Santa hats, we're pretty sure.
It's that time again folks! We've uploaded a selection of photos to our Facebook page. Vote for your favorites, and the photo with the most votes will grace our reception area for the remainder of the month.
This is Minion Maximus, a Halloween fun photo
Have your checked out our New Website?
All the excitement of expansion has inspired us to revamp our website, bringing it up to date, with lots more function and a fresh, modern look.
Your link to the GingrApp is at the top right of all pages ("My Account"), as well as under the About tab.
Our Gallery is populated by our Instagram activity.
And you'll find snippets from our Weekly Recaps, any special announcements, and access to all the archived newsletters.
Watch for the updates of our framed Friday Funny in our reception area.
We'll also make sure they're posted on our Facebook page so you can share them with your friends.
We'll also make sure they're posted on our Facebook page so you can share them with your friends.
p.s. We're receiving contributions from our customers now! We're stockpiling them and using them. If you've sent in a Friday Funny for us and we haven't used it yet, don't worry, we will! Thanks very much.
We're a pretty close knit group of pooches - we form strong friendships, and we get to know each other very well. When new pooches join us, we love to introduce them around and get them started in their Scampering adventures - that's why they call us the "Welcome Waggin".
Our Welcome Waggin team has had a fun couple of weeks welcoming the newbies.
Scooter was our Monday Newbie. He's a youngster, but a big boy. He knows some of our wranglers from his neighborhood, and his big sister Maggie is an old camper from way back. We were delighted to show him the routine, and he caught on right away.
Tuesday was a rocking day with lots of dogs and our groomer, Chris, in the house. But Theo Terrier was a quick study, and soon found his circle of friends where he made himself right at home.
We were happy to host two new friends on Wednesday. Oliver the Border Collie was a great fit, and knew who he wanted to hang out with. Raku is a very young Bergers Picard, who knows Madi's Atreyu, and the two played beautifully both with the Littles and the Bigs!
Austin the Aussie was a comfortable addition to the big dogs on Thursday. He's calm and collected, and very nicely mannered, and made a good impression on everyone.
Hey, Peeps, don't forget, if you're curious about how we spend our days and you're not quite sure what those report cards really mean, you can watch the adventures in the photos and videos our wranglers are posting on the Scampers Facebook page.
Cali O and Jed - more puppy love!
We've added Instagram to our assortment of Social Media tools. Tag or search #scampersdogs and join in the fun.
Ozzy likes to hang out at the top of the slide.
Our boarding facility has very been busy this year, especially over the holidays and long weekends.Remember to get your boarding requests in early to make sure there's room enough for your pooches. We're already booked up completely for the Christmas week. We've started taking names for our waiting list, and we may be able to point you to some friendly alternative care options.
Your boarding requests can be submitted via GingrApp, or you can give us a call to check and see if there's space available.
Samson is a frequent Scampers boarder. Here he is greeting the morning staff with his great big grin!
Boarding Drop Off Times
We ask that boarders be dropped off before noon, although exceptions can be made in case of an emergency.
Arriving at Scampers is very stimulating for your pooches - even after a busy day of adventuring elsewhere - and it takes several hours for the incomers to settle down. And one stimulated pooch means a whole houseful of stimulated pooches!
One of the reasons that Scampers boarding facilities works well for most of our guests is that the guests are good and tired after a day of playing, roving and sniffing. Of course, a tired dog is a good dog!
Our online management system, GingrApp, is cooking along nicely now. All our customers are able to create private and secure logins to make reservations online for boarding and for daycare - whether full day or half day - as well as upload photos and documents, and, for speed and convenience, set up a completely secure credit card on file.
FYI - you can access GingrApp from the "My Account" link at the top right-hand corner of the landing page of Scampers website.
Chris Sugarbaker of Cut-N-Run, mobile groomer extraordinaire will make his next bi-weekly visit to Scampers on Tuesday, December 20th. His grooming schedule often fills up, especially around the holidays, so it's a good idea to get your reservations in early. Consider setting up a reservation for Chris' subsequent visit on January 3rd.
Erick Eidus, PupPod's CEO, had some great news on what's coming up for PupPod:
We’ve also refined our product offering and marketing approach over the last few months. We’ve decided to focus on helping pet parents play together with their dog and have lowered the price to $179. At that price, the pet parent receives a PupPod toy and smartphone app. When a dog takes the correct action with the toy, the smartphone app will beep so the parent can provide a treat.
The smartphone app includes many fun features such as leaderboards and progress reports. We’ll still support an optional Bluetooth dispenser for parents who want to automate providing treats.
We couldn’t have made it this far without your support…so thank you! We’ve learned so much from your feedback. I look forward to the next time we chat.
In the meantime, we're very excited to announce that PupPod has been selected as a finalist for a Pet Care Innovation Prize award from Nestle, and will be competing for the grand prize later this month.
Give em a quick stroll first, please!
Remember, arriving at daycare is extra-stimulating. We often have pooches empty out in the lobby because they just can't contain themselves any longer!
If you're bringing you pooch into Scampers after a long car ride, please give them a quick toodle around the bushes or pillars before bringing them inside.
Any poops can be delivered to the green garbage cans - if you need a poop bag, just pop in and ask for one!
We know how much you love your furbabies - that's why you bring them to Scampers, after all. But please remember that very few dogs require more than two meals per day, and for many, one is enough.
We happily provide meal service for very young puppies who really do need a mid-day meal to support their growing bodies, and for dogs whose veterinarians prescribe a mid-day meal, e.g., dogs on certain medications or who have metabolic, gastric, or intestinal conditions; however, if your pooch is over 6 months old, please do not bring snacks and meals for them.
Frankly, we're having a tough time staffing for the demand lately, and because so many on our lunch list don't really need a meal, they're reluctant to eat, and our staffers are hand feeding them, coaxing them, singing to them... They really don't need it, honest!
Every once in a while we receive a photo from one of our customers showing us what their beloveds are doing after their day at Scampers.
We know that Scampers campers are avid fans, and we're looking for pictures of your pooches proudly showing off their fanwear!
Swiffer's modelling his
Cold-Weather Seahawks parka.
He's a very smart dog.
Cold-Weather Seahawks parka.
He's a very smart dog.
Here's Chomchom, all dressed for the game
We've seen many of our Scampers families expand recently, and we're looking for pics of our campers tending to their new humans. We hope we'll see lots more baby and pooch pictures! Click here to send your pics in via email.
Karsen was introduced to new baby sister, Hayden.
He's doing a great job of being a girl's best friend.
He's doing a great job of being a girl's best friend.
Maggie O as Big Sister - she takes her job very seriously.
Abbey S is helping Leo as he starts his athletic career.
He's almost walking!
He's almost walking!
It looks like Pliny's baby brother is
learning to walk too - fun times ahead!
learning to walk too - fun times ahead!
Here's Aussie Ozzie O
looking after his new baby, Tali.
What a beautiful pair!
looking after his new baby, Tali.
What a beautiful pair!
Hank's mom tells us he always has
more energy when he gets home.
Apparently, not this time!
more energy when he gets home.
Apparently, not this time!
London loves her pouf.
It's just right for her
post-Scampers snooze.
It's just right for her
post-Scampers snooze.
Izzy is zonked out on his bed.
Well, half on his bed.
Well, half on his bed.
George loves his chickens.
They make great pillows.
They make great pillows.
Apres Scampers Hooch
is one very contented pooch.
is one very contented pooch.
Apparently, young English Setter Leica is getting lots of exercise when she comes to Scampers. Here's what she looks like at home.
We loved this shot of Sadie - the look on her face says that she's not pleased that her belly rub got interrupted for the sake of a camera.
Bliss is a place to rest my head,
a hand to stroke my neck.
a hand to stroke my neck.
This category of owner-contributed pics features dogs enjoying their extracurricular fun.
This is where we'll post the pics we've received of your pooches enjoying summer vacations, beach roaming, ball games, and any other such general exploring.
Morgan, our Mid-day cleaner, is very proud of her dog, Tracy, who is now a certified Reading With Rover dog. Tracy enjoys calmly listening as the children read their books.
Lucky Zucco got a surprise birthday party - he turned 10!
Scarlett Golden and her favorite human, Susan, have been working through Project Canine to earn certification as the newest Therapy Dog Team at Overlake Hospital.
Puppy Bergers Picard Atreyu proudly shows off his AKC Puppy Third Place ribbon, earned last weekend at Bremerton.
We wonder why Odie's climbing trees to pick limes.
Perhaps he was planning on Gin & Tonics this afternoon.
Perhaps he was planning on Gin & Tonics this afternoon.
Little Miss Chomchom is all dressed up and ready for her tromp around Whistler.
Murphy C surveys his domain!
We have also received some great shots documenting "The Real Reason" you bring your furkids to Scampers.
Ripley S' mom doesn't usually maintain
an open-door policy for her home office.
And this would be the reason.
an open-door policy for her home office.
And this would be the reason.
Pretty Abby G is a very helpful pooch indeed. This lovely picture shows her effort at helping to unpack mysterious things at the office.
A gentle reminder that Scampers daycare hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, and our weekend and holiday daycare hours are by appointment only, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In the case of an emergency, we are able to make the accommodation for extended stay. Please call us, though, to advise.
Canine Nosework Classes at Scampers
Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and an inborn desire to hunt. The sport of K9 Nose Work is designed to develop the natural scenting abilities of your dog by using their passion for hunting and their love of toys, food and exercise.
It's a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy and you get to find out just how good your dog's nose is.
Vicki Francks, owner of Cascade Canines continues offering K9 Nose Work Classes using Scampers facility. If you'd like some information on the next round of classes, give Vicki a call at 206-849-7643. More information is also available as Scampers front desk.
It's a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy and you get to find out just how good your dog's nose is.
Vicki Francks, owner of Cascade Canines continues offering K9 Nose Work Classes using Scampers facility. If you'd like some information on the next round of classes, give Vicki a call at 206-849-7643. More information is also available as Scampers front desk.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Very best regards,
Linda Olsen and Stina Hughes
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs
Play all day - go home happy.
12532 124th Street NE Kirkland, WA 98034
T 425-821-9100 | F 425-821-4685
T 425-821-9100 | F 425-821-4685