Friday, January 28, 2011

Dear Scampers People –

This has been another busy week – we’ve added another four pooches to our roster. We’re delighted with the continued uptake of use of doggy daycare in the Kirkland/Redmond area!

We have uploaded lots of photos to our Flickr account and will continue to add more so you can see your own pooches in full Scampers mode. Some of the videos are hilarious!

Pooch of the Month

By way, this is the week you have the opportunity to vote for the Pooch of the Month on our Facebook page, under the Photos tab. Have a look through the photos and “like” your favorites. The pooch who gets the most votes will be featured for our guests for the month of February. (Hint: Lobby! Send the link to all your friends!)

Chris Sugarbaker, Cut N Run

Chris Sugarbaker of Cut ‘N Run Mobile Grooming will be back at Scampers on February 15th. If you’d like to schedule some time with him for your pooch, let any one of us know.

Wildlife at Scampers

A family of raccoons (very large ones!) has recently lost their home in the construction site across the street from Scampers. As such, they have been spotted in our parking area a number of times at dawn and dusk. They are not as shy as they should be, and they are big. Please be extra careful as you come and go with your dogs – with a strong grip on your leashes!

Scampers In Print

Also, watch for our ad, and maybe another article in the Kirkland and Redmond Reporters.

Wishing you all a very good weekend,

Stina Hughes and
Linda Olsen, Partners

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