Yay – we made it! It’s Spring! Of course, with the snow this morning, who could tell?
But this afternoon, with sunny blue skies returning from time to time, your pooches are getting lots of outside time and enjoying the fresh air.
Frankie’s Scampers Story
Hi Scampers Team!
Frankie knows it’s a Scampers day before we even get out of bed! On her daycare days, Frankie is even more impatient for breakfast than usual. She scarfs her food and sits expectantly by the bathroom door, waiting for us to get ready.
When it’s time to go, she bolts to the front door. On the drive, she stands between the front seats, helping us navigate the way to Scampers. Once we pull in, she jumps into the back seat, wagging her tail so hard her whole body shakes. She jumps out of the car, runs into Scampers, where she immediately looks for Stina and launches herself 5 feet into the air Stina’s arms. Stina has become a very good dog catcher!
It is so wonderful going to work knowing Frankie is happy and having a fun day at Scampers!
Hilary, Ada, and Frankie
What’s Your Scampers Story?
Does your dog know when it’s a Scampers day? Does he start jumping in circles at the mention of “school”? At the end of a day of Scampers romping and roving, does your dog conk out in his food bowl, or the back seat of your car?
We’ve been hearing some fun Scampers stories lately, and we’d love to add them to our website’s About Scampers section, where we have a collection of our customers’ comments and stories. We haven’t updated that in quite a long time, and it needs some fresh material.
Drop us a quick email with your story, and we’ll feature it on our About page, and maybe also on our Facebook page.
AVMA Pet Food Safety Recalls and Alerts
With more dog food product concerns making headlines, we found this page posted by the American Veterinary Association to be particularly helpful, a very handy reference.
Baby, you otta be in pictures!
Mark has been busy preparing the wonderful shots he’s catching of the dogs. We’ve uploaded a whole new crop to the album on our Facebook page, “Scampers Dogs as captured by Thialfi Photography”.
This beauty is Izzy, a frequent Camper and member of the Mediums.
Mark continues to set up his studio in Scampers reception area to build up his portfolio for his new website. Electronic files of the photos are made available to his subjects’ owners, gratis. Let us know if you’d like professional quality shots of your furry friends and won’t mind if Mark uses those in his online portfolio.
Every once in a while we come across a dog-oriented joke that we just have to share.
This one’s today’s…
Watch for the updates of our framed Friday Funny in our reception area.
We’ll also make sure they’re posted on our Facebook page so you can share them with your friends.
Pooch Need a Spruce-Up?
Cut-N-Run’s groomer-in-chief, Chris Sugarbaker, is planning his next visit for Tuesday, April 2nd.
If you’re pooch is due for a spruce-up, keep in mind that Chris’ schedule often fills up, so claim time for your pooch ASAP.
K9 Nose Work Classes at Scampers
Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and an inborn desire to hunt. The sport of K9 Nose Work is designed to develop the natural scenting abilities of your dog by using their passion for hunting and their love of toys, food and exercise.
It’s a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy and you get to find out just how good your dog’s nose is.
Vicki Francks, owner of Cascade Canines is offering K9 Nose Work Classes using Scampers facility.
Her February classes are already well underway, but if you’d like some information on the next round of classes, give Vicki a call at 206-849-7643. More information is also available as Scampers front desk.
Scampers Hours
We are learning that many of our customers lead very active lives that start very early in the morning and run into the evening.
When we drive up to open up shop first thing in the morning, we usually find several cars waiting in our parking lot, with very excited dogs who are anxiously awaiting our arrival and would dearly love to come in along with us, even though the bulk our morning staff doesn’t arrive until 7 a.m.
We ask your patience, though, as our pre-opening staff have boarding dogs to feed, water bowls to set out, along with a myriad of other preparatory tasks.
Note: From time to time, we may set up a pre-opening hour appointment, so you may see one of us bring a dog in early. In those cases, we have arranged for a staffer to handle the appointment.
For our later pickup families, please keep in mind that our premises is used for training events after hours, so it is important that all daycare pooches have departed by 7 p.m., so our evening staff can finish their end-of-day tasks.
Scampers Boarding
Scampers has been hosting boarding dogs for several months, and we’ve found our visitors to be quite content and relaxed during their stays. They are in a familiar environment, with familiar people, and surrounded daily by all their favorite playmates.
Our busiest times are the holiday weekends and our suites do fill up, so be sure to get your reservations in early.
Note that there is a premium charge for July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Click here to download a Boarding Request Form.
Pawlogic News
Cathy Madson of Pawlogic Dog Training holds group classes at Scampers location.
Cathy offers classes including Basic Obedience, Continuing Obedience and Real Life Training, and Introduction to Obedience for Puppies.
For more information or to register your dog in any of the classes, call 425 443 5280 to book classes for your pooch with Cathy.
Heard ’round the water bowl
We’re excited to be adding new personalities each week. Our frequent campers are doing their best to make them feel welcome. Here’s some of the gossip heard ’round the water bowl:
“Wasn’t it nice to see Emma and Buddy again. They were both quite happy to see friends they’d made when they’d first visited.”
“Luca was adorable, so happy to find some canine friends earlier this week that he’s visiting for his second time today.”
“And didn’t Sophie have a nice first day, too. We’re sure looking forward to seeing her again soon.”
“Pretty Lane, with the curly golden mane, made friends so easily. She was a great addition to the Mediums group.”
“We’re looking forward to seeing our new friends again very soon, and, of course, to meeting more new friends in the coming weeks.”
Please Remember to Reserve Ahead!
Our drop in space has become very limited. Occasionally, we’ve had to place a sign on our door to say we had maxed out our current capacity for our staffing levels.
Please remember to reserve ahead via email or phone to be sure we have space for your pooch.
We’d hate to have to turn anyone away, but we maintain our dogs to wranglers ratios as a matter of safety.
A “Reply” to this email works very well, or click this link to send an email request as does a quick phone call.
As always, if you have a particular attendance pattern you’d like to claim, please let us know what that is if you haven’t already done so.
Enjoy this wonderful weekend. Let’s hope the snow is done for the season and look forward to a great week of sunshine and balmy blue-sky days.
Very best regards,
Linda Olsen and Stina Hughes
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs