Scampers Weekly Recap – September 23, 2016

Scampers Weekly Recap - September 23, 2016
Dear --Valued Customer--

We've been hopping all week long, and your furbabies have kept each other good and busy, which means they're going home nice and tired...
If your pooch needs to have vaccinations updated, that means we need to have vaccination data updated in Gingr as well. Please ask your vet to supply an extra copy of the vaccination status sheet, or send one to us via fax or email.

We want to ensure all the pooches stay as healthy as possible!

p.s. GingrApp will start emailing vaccination reminders as soon as we flip that switch, which should be within the next week or two.
Every once in a while we come across a dog-oriented joke.

This one's today's:
Watch for the updates of our framed Friday Funny in our reception area.

We'll also make sure they're posted on our Facebook page so you can share them with your friends.

p.s. We're receiving contributions from our customers now! We're stockpiling them and using them. If you've sent in a Friday Funny for us, and we haven't used it yet, don't worry, we will! Thanks very much.
We're a pretty close knit group of pooches - we form strong friendships, and we get to know each other very well. When new pooches join us, we love to introduce them around and get them started in their Scampering adventures - that's why they call us the "Welcome Waggin".
Our Welcome Waggin team has had a fun week welcoming a lovely assortment of newbies.

Monday brought Scooby, a tiny guy with a great big heart and lots of moxie, and a busily wagging tail. He had a great time meeting new friends, both canine and human.

Halle Beary had her Scampers debut on Tuesday morning, and was a perfect fit. We certainly enjoyed showing her how we play in the Back Forty.
Cooper C, a pretty red lab, joined us on Wednesday. He's a lovely dude, and really enjoyed meeting all the Scampers representatives, especially young Masa. We sure look forward to seeing him come back.

Meanwhile, Skye, the collie/terrier mix found he particularly enjoyed roving and romping with Shamrock and Velvet.
Today, we welcome Jessie, a young blue heeler, and Tibbs, a young corgi. We're making sure they feel welcome and comfortable, and hope they come back often.
Hey, Peeps, don't forget, if you're curious about how we spend our days and you're not quite sure what those report cards really mean, you can watch the adventures in the photos and videos our wranglers are posting on the Scampers Facebook page.

London and Milo love
chasing the hose.
There's also a ScampersDogs channel on YouTube where you'll find all kinds of fun videos, and we update that selection periodically.
We've added Instagram to our assortment of Social Media tools. Tag or search #scampersdogs and join in the fun.

George and Larrabee
When your dog has a relaxed mouth, corners drawn up, and “soft” eyes, he really is smiling at you! As with humans, dogs communicate a lot of information with their facial expressions.

A furrowed brow indicates worry or attention, wide eyes indicate excitement or fear, narrow eyes indicate anger, etc.

Different dog smiles can mean different things. A gentle smile with relaxed lips, eyes, forehead, and ears is what we would consider to be a genuine smile, indicating affection and ease. Open-mouthed smiles with alert eyes and ears can indicate excitement over a favored item (toy, leash, treat) or situation (such as a game).

Smiling with a closed mouth and alert eyes can be an indication of mild stress (pulling away slightly from another dog considered too close for comfort, for example), and is sometimes interpreted as an expression of distaste. A closed-mouth smile with slightly bared teeth is a warning, whereas an open-mouthed smile with teeth showing is a sign of submission. If the lips are pulled all the way back and the teeth are bared, the dog has reached the threshold for aggressive behaviors, stemming from extreme anxiety, fear, or frustration (anger).

Learning to identify your dog’s full range of smiles can help you to better understand his emotions.

If you would like to see photographs of different dog smiles, or learn how your smile is interpreted by your dog, Dr. Emily Weiss has several articles on canine smiles and human and canine facial communication with excellent pictures at and
Thanks to Elise Poston for this submission. Look for more Did You Know tidbits from Elise in future editions of Scampers Weekly Recap. Learn more at
Our boarding facility has very been busy this year, especially over the holidays and long weekends. Remember to get your boarding requests in early to make sure there's room enough for your pooches. Your boarding requests can be submitted via GingrApp, or you can call us.

Samson is a frequent Scampers boarder. Here he is greeting the morning staff with his great big grin!

Loki, aka Lokarito, Scampers' Senior Statesman at 16, loves his comfy bed. He brings it with him whenever he boards with us.
Boarding Drop Off Times
We ask that boarders be dropped off before noon, although exceptions can be made in case of an emergency.

Arriving at Scampers is very stimulating for your pooches - even after a busy day of adventuring elsewhere - and it takes several hours for the incomers to settle down.

And one stimulated pooch means a whole houseful of stimulated pooches.

One of the reasons that Scampers boarding facilities works well for most of our guests is that the guests are good and tired after a day of playing, roving and sniffing. Of course, a tired dog is a good dog!
Our online management system, GingrApp, is cooking along nicely now. All our customers are able to create private and secure logins to make reservations online for boarding and for daycare - whether full day or half day - as well as upload photos and documents, and, for speed and convenience, set up a completely secure credit card on file.

Chris Sugarbaker of Cut-N-Run, mobile groomer extraordinaire will make his next bi-weekly visit to Scampers on Tuesday, September 27th. His grooming schedule often fills up, so get your reservations in early, or set up a reservation for Chris' subsequent visit on October 11th.

Feel free to give us a call to schedule an appointment for your pooch, or ... 

If you've created your GingrApp identity, you can set up your reservations now on GingrApp. When you make your daycare reservation, you'll notice the option to select "Additional Services". Choose the service you'd like to add, then confirm by clicking the blue bar on the right, then choose the date (again), and choose from one of the times available.
Our friends at PupPod are busily working on improving the way we will be able to offer PupPod brain exercise and fun for your pooches at Scampers. Stay tuned - we'll be bringing you new information as soon as we have it.
Every once in a while we receive a photo from one of our customers showing us what their beloveds are doing after their day at Scampers.
We know that Scampers campers are avid fans, and we're looking for pictures of your pooches proudly showing off their fanwear!

Here's Chomchom, all dressed for the game
We've seen many of our Scampers families expand recently, and we're looking for pics of our campers tending to their new humans. We hope we'll see lots more baby and pooch pictures! Click here to send your pics in via email.

Karsen was introduced to new baby brother, Hayden,
a couple of weeks ago. He's doing a great job
of keeping his tiny new buddy company.

Maggie O as Big Sister - she takes her job very seriously.

Abbey S is helping Leo as he starts his athletic career.
He's almost walking!

It looks like Pliny's baby brother is
learning to walk too - fun times ahead!

Here's Aussie Ozzie O
looking after his new baby, Tali.
What a beautiful pair!
Hank's mom tells us he always has
more energy when he gets home.
Apparently, not this time!

Here's Chum, dreaming wonderful dreams
of Scampering all day long.
London loves her pouf.
It's just right for her
post-Scampers snooze.

Cooper S must have been REALLY tired after his day at Scampers!

Izzy is zonked out on his bed.
Well, half on his bed.

George loves his chickens.
They make great pillows.

Apres Scampers Hooch
is one very contented pooch.

Sera is pretty much wiped out after her day at Scampers.

Odie just needs a place to put his snout
while he takes a little nap.
Apparently, young English Setter Leica is getting lots of exercise when she comes to Scampers. Here's what she looks like at home.

We loved this shot of Sadie - the look on her face says that she's not pleased that her belly rub got interrupted for the sake of a camera.

Bliss is a place to rest my head,
a hand to stroke my neck.
This category of owner-contributed pics features dogs enjoying their extracurricular fun.
This is where we'll post the pics we've received of your pooches enjoying summer vacations, beach roaming, ball games, and any other such general exploring. 

We wonder why Odie's climbing trees to pick limes.
Perhaps he was planning on Gin & Tonics this afternoon.

Little Miss Chomchom is all dressed up and ready for her tromp around Whistler.

Murphy C surveys his domain!
We have also received some great shots documenting "The Real Reason" you bring your furkids to Scampers.

Ripley S' mom doesn't usually maintain
an open-door policy for her home office.
And this would be the reason.

Pretty Abby G is a very helpful pooch indeed. This lovely picture shows her effort at helping to unpack mysterious things at the office.
A gentle reminder that Scampers daycare hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, and our weekend and holiday daycare hours are by appointment only,  9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In the case of an emergency, we are able to make the accommodation for extended stay. Please call us, though, to advise.
Canine Nosework Classes at Scampers
Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and an inborn desire to hunt. The sport of K9 Nose Work is designed to develop the natural scenting abilities of your dog by using their passion for hunting and their love of toys, food and exercise.  

It's a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy and you get to find out just how good your dog's nose is.
Vicki Francks, owner of Cascade Canines continues offering K9 Nose Work Classes using Scampers facility. If you'd like some information on the next round of classes, give Vicki a call at 206-849-7643. More information is also available as Scampers front desk.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Very best regards,
Linda Olsen and Stina Hughes 
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs

​Play all day - go home happy. 
12532 124th Street NE Kirkland, WA 98034
425-821-9100  |  F 425-821-4685