Scampers Weekly Recap - August 25, 2017
In This Issue
Friday Funny
Dear --Valued Customer--
What a wild week we've had - lots of boarders, lots of new friends, and lots of adventures in solar/lunar curiosity, and fun and fabulous sunny weather.
We hope you've enjoyed the week as much as we have. If so, you're probably looking forward to a great and/or restful weekend too!

Pooch of the Month - September, 2017 - Voting Now Open
We have uploaded an album on our Facebook page with selection of photos of your pooches taken by our wranglers during the past month or so.

To vote for your favorites, open the photos and click on "Like". The pic with the most "Likes" will grace our lobbies for the month of September.
This is Sergeant, at ease.

Dogs on Leashes, Pretty Please!
Some dogs jump up on people to greet them, whether the jumpees want to be greeted or not. Others feel the need to protect their owners. Some are just too darned excited to contain themselves and bolt, sometimes in some very surprising directions.
There are so many things that could go awry, and we worry.
For safety's sake, please be sure to have your dogs on leashes and well under control while moving them between your car and our reception area.
If you need to borrow a leash, we always have a loaner leash available in our reception area.
We are hosting a lot of pooches these days, and, believe it or not, we have an awful lot of Look-Alikes! Of course, it's always a good idea to have your furbabies clearly identified, just in case of the unthinkable, but every once in a while our wranglers would so appreciate just a bit of help identifying which one is which, just every once in a while.
Hello, My Name Is...
Watch for the updates of our framed Friday Funny in our reception area.
We'll also make sure they're posted on our Facebook page so you can share them with your friends.
We'll also make sure they're posted on our Facebook page so you can share them with your friends.

We're a pretty close knit group of pooches - we form strong friendships, and we get to know each other very well. When new pooches join us, we love to introduce them around and get them started in their Scampering adventures - that's why they call us the "Welcome Waggin".
Our Welcome Waggin team was happy to welcome newbies at both locations again this week.
The Kirkland Welcome Waggin' made sure "siblings" Emma Golden Puppy and Ollie the Labradoodle had a lovely first day on Monday. Meanwhile, our Bellevue Bunch was busy welcoming four new pooches - young Ruggles, a Bernedoodle, Murray a Golden Doodle, Nala the Rhodesian Ridgeback, and Ella the Rottie. We're sure everyone enjoyed the fun!
After such a busy Monday, we took a break from newbies on Tuesday, but were right back to welcoming new friends in both Kirkland and Bellevue on Wednesday. Reese the Chocolate Lab and Tag the Vizsla were the Bellevue newbies, and we made sure these lovely girls were given a warm welcome and a lovely day. Sherlock the Australian Labradoodle was a star newbie at Kirkland, where he found lots of new friends to romp and rove with.
On Thursday, it was "4 year old day" when the Bellevue party welcomed Maggie E, a 4 year old German Shepherd Mix, and Rocky, a 4 year old Portuguese Water Dog. Meanwhile Max the Terrier Mix and Mischa the Red Doberman made themselves very much at home with the Kirkland Welcome Waggin'.
Today is Fig's introduction to the Scampers party at Bellevue. He's a 7 month old lab mix, and we're pretty sure he's having a blast!
Welcome all. We're delighted to share our days with you!

Macey and Nova, nose to nose
We've added Instagram to our assortment of Social Media tools. Tag or search #scampersdogs and join in the fun.

Corgi Confab

Companion pooches Fergie and Burt
Every once in a while we receive a photo from one of our customers showing us what their beloveds are doing after their day at Scampers.
We've seen many of our Scampers families expand recently, and we're looking for pics of our campers tending to their new humans. We hope we'll see lots more baby and pooch pictures! Click here to send your pics in via email.

Pi's wish came true -
she has a new baby sister!

Apparently, young English Setter Leica is getting lots of exercise when she comes to Scampers. Here's what she looks like at home.

Before And After
(guess which is which!)
Before And After
(guess which is which!)

Coop's new baby brother,
Little Golden Doodle Leo,
was too pooped to pop
after his first day at Scampers.
Little Golden Doodle Leo,
was too pooped to pop
after his first day at Scampers.
Bliss is a place to rest my head,
a hand to stroke my neck.
a hand to stroke my neck.
This category of owner-contributed pics features dogs enjoying their extracurricular fun.
This is where we'll post the pics we've received of your pooches enjoying summer vacations, beach roaming, ball games, and any other such general exploring.

Amara's first time at the beach.

Boating with Barky, Sharky Lupin
Doesn't he look cool?
We have also received some great shots documenting "The Real Reason" you bring your furkids to Scampers.

Pretty Abby G is a very helpful pooch indeed. This lovely picture shows her effort at helping to unpack mysterious things at the office.

Chris Sugarbaker of Cut-N-Run, mobile groomer extraordinaire has been serving our Kirkland clients every second Tuesday since we opened in 2010.
Chris will make his next visit to serve our Kirkland clients on Tuesday, September 12th, and his next visit after that will be Tuesday, September 26th.
For our Bellevue clients, Chris will be visiting our Bellevue shop on Wednesday, September 6th and his next visit will be Monday, September 18th. As a general rule, he'll be visiting Bellevue on alternate Mondays, with the occasional switch when there's a holiday that interferes.
Keep in mind that Chris' grooming schedule often fills up, so it's important to get your reservations in early.

Our boarding facilities at both locations have been very busy this season. Please remember to get your boarding requests in early to make sure there's room enough for your pooches. Your boarding requests can be submitted via GingrApp, or you can give us a call to check and see if there's space available. Remember, if our boarding facility at Kirkland is full, there may be space available at our Bellevue shop and vice versa. We'll do our very best to accommodate you if we are able to.

Samson is a frequent Scampers boarder. Here he is greeting the morning staff with his great big grin!
Boarding Drop Off Times
We ask that boarders be dropped off before noon, although exceptions can be made in case of an emergency. Arriving at Scampers is very stimulating for your pooches - even after a busy day of adventuring elsewhere - and it takes several hours for the incomers to settle down. And one stimulated pooch means a whole houseful of stimulated pooches. One of the reasons that Scampers boarding facilities works well for most of our guests is that the guests are good and tired after a day of playing, roving and sniffing. Of course, a tired dog is a good dog.

Please Navigate our Parking Lots with Caution!
Remember, there are dogs crossing. And people.

And, in our Bellevue lot, which is shared with a car dealership, we've noticed there are many non-Scampers drivers (some of them have obviously never walked a dog) and, from what we've observed, they're all frustrated Formula 1 drivers.
PLEASE take care when navigating our parking lots, whether you're doing the walking or the driving. We sure don't want any nasty accidents!

Remember, arriving at daycare is extra-stimulating. We often have pooches empty out in the lobby because they just can't contain themselves any longer!
If you're bringing you pooch into Scampers after a long car ride, please give them a quick toodle around the bushes or pillars before bringing them inside.
Any poops can be delivered to the green garbage cans - if you need a poop bag, just pop in and ask for one!

We know how much you love your furbabies - that's why you bring them to Scampers, after all. But please remember that very few dogs require more than two meals per day, and for many, one is enough.
We happily provide meal service for very young puppies who really do need a mid-day meal to support their growing bodies, and for dogs whose veterinarians prescribe a mid-day meal, e.g., dogs on certain medications or who have metabolic, gastric, or intestinal conditions; otherwise, however, if your pooch is over 6 months old, please do not bring snacks and meals for them.
Frankly, we're having a tough time staffing for the demand lately, and because so many on our lunch list don't really need a meal, they're reluctant to eat, and our staffers are hand feeding them, coaxing them, singing to them... They really don't need it, honest!

A gentle reminder that Scampers daycare hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, and our weekend and holiday daycare hours are by appointment only, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Very best regards,

Linda Olsen and Stina Hughes
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs
Play all day - go home happy.
13040 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue, WA 98034
T 425-688-9100 | F 425-688-0600
T 425-688-9100 | F 425-688-0600
12532 124th Street NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
T 425-821-9100 | F 425-821-4685
T 425-821-9100 | F 425-821-4685