The King County Board of Health recommends painting the bottom 48″ of all our walls with epoxy paint.
$600 later, we hired ourselves a “work crew” of summer-bored kids. Three 14 year olds and expensive paint – bad combo. Well, we learned something there!
But after a stern talking-to, they bucked down and did a great job of the finish coats, and we now have a stylish two-tone space.
p.s. I realized after a re-read that I did not give these hard-working young people near enough credit. Granted they were a little less than perfect on Day 1, and perhaps a bit more focused on the head-banging rock ‘n roll blaring from the boombox than on the precision of their painting, but they did get a full day’s work done, and on Day 2 they were fabulous and the end result is quite cool, so we truly are very grateful to them for their dedication and effort. And we had fun too!