We’ve had such a nice week, spending all our time outside to enjoy the fresh air. We’re seeing cooler mornings, though, so our less furry pooches – and our dog wranglers – are arriving wearing sweaters, and the days seem to be starting a little later and ending a little earlier. That must mean that autumn is just around the corner, and yet our afternoons are absolutely glorious!
Health Alert – Bordetella
Bordetella, otherwise known as Kennel Cough, has recently been diagnosed in two of our Scampers campers.
We maintain a policy that all Scampers campers be vaccinated against Bordetella on a six month rotation, however, as we understand it, the strain may be one of the few strains not covered by the common Bordetella vaccine. We also understand, though, that having had the vaccine may mitigate the severity of the bout.
PetMD.com offers a clear article describing Kennel Cough – here are some of the highlights from their website:
What is it?
Kennel cough is a very highly contagious respiratory disease among dogs. It is typified by inflammation of the trachea and bronchi. This disease is found throughout the world and is known to infect a very high percentage of dogs at least once during their lifetime. It is also medically referred to as tracheobronchitis and Bordetella.
What are the symptoms?
Kennel Cough in dogs will stimulate a coarse, dry, hacking cough about three to seven days after the dog is initially infected. It sounds as if the dog needs to “clear his throat” and the cough will be triggered by any extra activity or exercise.
How is it spread?
The causative organisms can be present in the expired air of an infected dog, much the same way that human “colds” are transmitted. The airborne organisms will be carried in the air in microscopically tiny water vapor or dust particles.
Even in the most hygienic, well ventilated, spacious kennels the possibility of a dog acquiring Kennel Cough exists. Kennel Cough can be acquired from your neighbor’s dog, from a Champion show dog at a dog show, from the animal hospital where your dog just came in for treatment of a cut paw. So try not to blame the kennel operator if your dog develops Kennel Cough shortly after that weekend stay at the kennel! There may have been an infected dog, unknown to anyone, that acted as a source for other dogs in the kennel.
How is it treated?
Treatment is generally limited to symptomatic relief of the coughing with non-prescription, and occasionally prescription, cough suppressants. If the dog is running a fever or there seems to be a persistent and severe cough, antibiotics are occasionally utilized to assist the dog in recovering from Kennel Cough.
One of the reasons Kennel Cough makes the rounds in environments where dogs are in close contact (kennels, dog parks, dog daycares, dog shows) is that a dog will begin to present symptoms anywhere from 3 to 7 days after being infected, but while the disease is developing in his system, he is already infectious to others.
Of particular note, therefore: (1) Kennel Cough is a highly contagious airborne disease spread through coughing, similar to the common cold; (2) can be spread by dogs who have not yet begun to display symptoms themselves; and (3) is usually quite manageable, but may advance to more serious conditions, such as pneumonia, if left undiagnosed and untreated.
If your dog is displaying symptoms, please do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian. If your veterinarian confirms the diagnosis, please let us know.
Finally, it will be necessary to keep your dog home from Scampers until your veterinarian has cleared him or her for attendance. Thank you for your understanding.
Pooch need a spruce-up?
Chris Sugarbaker, Cut-N-Run’s groomer-in-chief, will drive his studio to Scampers on Tuesday, Sept 18th.
If your pooch needs a spruce-up, be sure to claim a spot with Chris right away – his schedule has filled up completely on more than one occasion.
Scampers Boarding
Our boarding services are proving to be very popular, and we’re already booking for the upcoming holiday seasons. If you foresee needing space for your pooch at Scampers, please get your reservations placed early.
Note that there will be a premium charge for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Pawlogic News
Cathy Madson of Pawlogic Dog Training holds group classes at Scampers location.
Cathy offers classes including Basic Obedience, Continuing Obedience and Real Life Training, and Introduction to Obedience for Puppies.
For more information or to register your dog in any of the classes, call Cathy at 425 443 5280, or …
Visit the Pawlogic website to book classes for your pooch with Cathy.
Watch for more exciting information on new classes in our upcoming newsletters.
124th Street – Street Overlay Work Has Begun
We have received a notice that the City of Kirkland will be repaving 124th Street from 124th Avenue to Slater Avenue, and apparently work has begun, with much more to come in the coming weeks.
Typical hours of work will be between 7 am and 6 pm, as well as some “night work”.
We hope this will not be too disruptive to your commute, but we’re sure they’ll help you find your way to us.
Wishing you all a great weekend. Be sure to take advantage of the extended summertime lull – patio parties are still appropriate.
Very best regards,
Linda Olsen and Stina Hughes
Scampers Daycamp for Dogs